Devoted to the Lhasa apso breed since 1996
We have raised Lhasa apsos since 1996. The Lhasa apso is an intelligent, loyal, hardy, low-shedding companion breed originally from Tibet. They served as inside watchdogs in Tibetan monasteries as well as devoted companions to the local people. The Tibetan name for the Lhasa apso is “Abso Seng Kye”, which means “Bark Lion Sentinel Dog”.
The Tibetan Lhasa apso diet is a controversial subject. In Tibet meats include mutton, yak, and goat. (Many Tibetans won’t eat fish. They believe fish in the lakes of Tibet are holy). Cheese, butter, and yogurt made from the milk of the female yak are also eaten. Barley is another staple. The Lhasa apso probably ate what their owner ate.
Lhasas typically live about 12-16 years in the US. The oldest known Lhasa apso lived for 29 years. This ancient breed is actually one of the most closely related to the “wolf” according to DNA studies.
What We Do
Breeding: A Lhasa apso puppy stole our hearts in 1996. From that first puppy, we decided to become more involved with this wonderful breed. For over 20 years, we have dedicated ourselves to improving our breeding program every day and every way we can.
Training: We believe in the daily socialization of our Lhasa apso puppies. While this does not mean every Lhasa will ultimately grow up to love children, early socialization helps the puppy gain confidence around children. Continued efforts by new owners is key to sustaining this confidence.

Showing: Our dogs have participated in many dog shows and have done very well in the show ring.
It is our hope to return to showing in the near future.
Tiki is doing GREAT!!! What a big love he is. He is getting along great with Dakota "our other lhasa" they are best friends and they always want to be near each other and boy do they love to run around the house and play with each others toys!Tiki sleeps with me and he does great! Everyone who meets him just falls in love with him just like they did with Razz. Oh i didwant to tell you it is funny when it rains he does not like to go on the grass. He hates to get his feet WET! I could not ask for a more loving and friendlier dog! Thanks, Christine
sorry i havent gotten back to you sooner, its been so busy around here. Bella (her name now) is doing great, and her and teddy love to wrestle ( she really beats him up!!, but he gets back as her too) on the way home [through the country roads] she threw up a few times, but she hasent since shes been home (i think it was just all the hills) ...we decided to switch teddys food to nutro because he seems to like it more.. so we just bought him the adult food earlier today. she just had her first vet appointment on tuesday and the vet said she was perfect (thank you!!) do you know how much she weighed when we picked her up?? [ at the vet she weighed 4.2 pounds] because we would like to know if she lost or gained weight.
the vet said to feed her 3 times a day and we are now feeding her a little less than 3/4 of a cup [and she still seems to be starving!!..but we know they will eat anything.. so we are just keeping it there] thank you soo much for a perfect dog!!
P. S. - has Nellie sold yet?? or how is she doing??? [it was such a hard choice!!!!!]
Bella is sitting on my lap right now sleeping..we just took a long long walk and she tried to bite teddys legs while he was running and he almost ran over her, its so funny watching to two of them play! *thanks again and keep in touch!!*
The D' Family
Hey Kimberly,
I'm happy to say that we are adjusting beautifully. I'm taking him out twice a day, at mornings and at night. And my neighbor's son will walk him during the afternoons. (I know, he will be spoiled rotten!). This weekend he spent both days out of the crate, so I'm working on making him go to a designated area of the house, so I don't have to take him out every hour.
This is the first dog I owned, and I have to say, it's a lot of work trying to keep the house clean, but on the other side I COMPLETELY ADORE HIM, its amazing how happy he makes me. I can already tell how smart he is.
Thanks for everything,
PS: one of my friends might want to buy a puppy, she might call you one of this days
Hello Kimberly,
Lily (born 2/2/06 -- your Reece's Pieces) is still a bossy little girl with a lot of Lhasatude….she is the smallest one of the bunch, but she clearly rules the roost. Leo (born 8/22/06 -- your Fruit Loops) is very tall with long legs and the goofiest dog ever…he is sweet and gentle, but doesn't back down when he feels like Lily needs to be put in her place. Since I had the picture taken, Leo now sports a puppy cut and is much lighter in color. His undercoat is a silver and cream color and once those black tips are trimmed away he looks like a different dog. I get many compliments on how striking his appearance is. My son and I get such a hoot out of watching their antics. Lucy, our oldest girl who was a stray, just stays out of their way. I've been amused by the fact that even though she mostly ignores them all day long she immediately becomes very protective of them if any strangers or other dogs approach. The dogs, particularly Lily and Leo, brought a tremendous amount of joy to my mom who battled cancer all of last year and passed away this summer….anytime she needed to have her spirits picked up, I brought the dogs over and they somehow knew just what to do. Funny, but I'm sure they miss her as much as we do.
Kind regards, Janet, Mom of Robert, Lucy, Lily and Leo
Dear Mommy,
It's already been 4 weeks since I left home and I can't believe how fast the time has gone. I've gotton bigger and stronger but I can't quite jump onto the couches yet.
My girlfriend Coco jumps up onto the couch and I try to get there with her but I just fall a little short. I should be able to join her there in a fews weeks. Speaking of Coco I am sending you pictures of me and her having loads of fun as I attack her and we play. She's alot of fun and though I miss my brothers and sisters she's the best playmate ever!! She lets me bite her all over the place and never gets mad. We even play hide and seek. I am smaller so I hide under the tables or places she's to big to get to and when she finds me I run away. It doesn't take her long to catch me but I'm fast so I hide again and we do this over and over until we are to tired to play. I think she's a very pretty girl as you can see by her pictures but most of all we just like hanging around. My days have been very busy. My human Mom brings me and Coco to work with her and there's even another dog there called Muffin. I don't know why they called her muffin mom she's 100 times bigger than a muffin but anyway she's cool. I am still getting used to being upstairs while everyone has to work and I complain and let them know I don't like being alone. Most of the time Coco is with me so we play but sometimes Coco likes to play with Muffin and since I am still to little I may fall off the porch so I have to stay upstairs but that doesn't last for long. There's a human lady with gray hair who lives there and they call her memere(french for grandmother) see I'm learning french mom!! and I like her..but there's a human guy who they call Pepere(grandfather) and I REALLY like him..he's funny and he makes me dance when I see him that's how much I like him. After work my mom brings me home where I have 3 kids to play with and my human Dad and I love them all. They love me very much and play with me and I go to their ball games and watch them play. When I get dirty they wash me in this small tub they call a sink. I don't like that very much because I get cold but they snuggle me to keep me warm so I guess it's worth it..plus I smell good but that never lasts for long because I love to play outside in the leaves and dirt. I just wanted to tell you Mom that I miss you but I am a very happy boy and I hope you like my pictures. I love you.
Hi Again!
Sorry to pester you. I just wanted to let you know that Pebbles & Bam Bam had their first visit to the vet last night. The vet said that they were "immaculate" (which you already knew) and that was a testament to the breeder. I thought you might appreciate hearing that.
Hi Kimberly,
I wanted to tell you how well our puppy is doing. She was vet checked and will get her rabies shot on 3/2/01. We are really enjoying her. She is so spunky and smart. She loves our lab and miniature schnauzer as well as the cat. I can say she does not love her crate but is adapting slowly. She is good about going outside but I still have to watch her carefully. What do you suggest for training – a smack on the butt or just a loud “no”? I always put her outside after. Any hints would be greatly appreciated. Also she really loves to be outside playing with the other dogs but since it is the winter I am not really sure how long I should let her play outside. What is your opinion? We just love her so much and I am so happy to have met you. I hope everything is going well for you & your son. Looking forward to hearing from you.
PS. We named the puppy “Sadie”
Hi Kim,
Wishing you and your family a happy & healthy holiday and new year! It's been quite a while since I've sent you any news on the pups. Pebbles & BamBam are doing great. They are absolutely terrific pets and everyone in my family loves them. They have enriched our lives so much and we are just so happy to have them. Pebbles is a dumb blonde but she is so sweet and friendly to everyone. Bam Bam is very attached to me and reserved with strangers, but not unfriendly. He is also very smart. Their personalities are so different! At home, Pebbles is very obedient while BamBam is a little stubborn about doing what he is told. Outside walking is a whole other matter. Pebbles becomes very independent and won't listen while BamBam becomes the epitome of obedience. I can even walk him off-leash! It's never a dull moment and we enjoy every minute with them.
hi kim,
I can't believe Max is almost 7 months old, I just wanted to write and let you know how pleased we all are with him. He truly is just wonderful to have. Max does everything with us . In the fall he went to all the boys football & soccer games He loved all the attention from the other parents & kids. This winter for fun he loves the snow and being outside , My husband and sons have taken Max for little rides around the house on there snowmobiles which he really enjoy's .If you say the word ride he's right at the door. He truly is a wonderful addition to our home. Thank you again,
Kathy March 3, 2005
Oh, I love him so much! He is still my baby even though I have had him for almost a year. Thanks again! Amy
Hi Kimberly!
We had a good trip back yesterday, arrived home at 8:30. Zoe was great in the car, no whining or accidents or carsickness. She slept all night in her crate in my room with no accidents and no crying. Today she has been so funny, very cute and playful, following me everywhere I go. I left her in her crate for about an hour while I ran some errands and all was well. Her appetite has been good, she ate last night and 3 times so far today. Lucy and Tucker seem to have accepted her just fine, altho they seem confused by all the trips outside. No mistakes in the house yet today, I hope it continues this smoothly. She already seems to have her favorite spot in the yard to go. When she does her business I heap on the praise and she just about turns inside out with excitement. Thanks again for everything. I'll keep in touch and send pictures. Nancy
Dear Kim,
I am absolutely in love with the babies, whom we have named Maia and Sheba ( the latter is the fairer one). They have LOTS of fans here in Cooperstown, and many people have asked where they can get one. I do tell them about you. The girls are wonderful at walking around town with me without leashes, which I only pull out when there is some sort of danger. They are doing pretty well with potty training and they seem to adore one another. it could not have worked out better, really.
She is wonderful. We all love her so much. She's very well behaved, playful, and the cutest little girl in the world. Thank you so much.
Hi Kim I wanted to send you an update on our latest family member ?Sparky?. He has adjusted quite well to his new life as King of the Household. He is great with everyone he meets, he has quite the sense of humor and acts like a clown, he loves to take walks to strut his stuff, he?s a great watchdog and our best buddy. Here is a picture taken recently after one of his hair cuts.. he?s so adorable! We love our Sparky!
- Angie, Michael, John, Brianna, Mike Jr. & Corey
Once again, I cannot thank you enough for our new puppy! She is BEYOND our expectations! We marvel at her loving disposition – she just loves to be loved and that is so wonderful to us! She’s adjusting quite well. We are still working on the crate “tantrums”, but she’s getting a little better each night. We got her a kiddy pool yesterday and she just laid in it for minutes on end! It was so cute! As for her name, well, this all came up so suddenly (getting a puppy that was actually available right away) that we hadn’t had time to think of one. It was difficult for my husband, as Junie was the only name that came to his mind. So we both really liked the name you had given her. So she is officially named “Leah Joy”. In Greek, Leah means “glad tidings” which was what finding her was to us and Joy is what she’s brought back into our lives! She’s amazing in every way! Thank you again! Noel
Dear Kim,
I would like to thank you for allowing us to be the parents' of one of your Lhasa Apso puppies. Nugget is a true joy and a wonderful addition to our family. As you know, she is the third Lhasa Apso I have had and she truly has her own personality. She follows us wherever we go in the house and cries in the morning when the kids leave for school. They absolutely adore her. She is a pampered puppy and sleeps on our bed every night. She also makes herself at home on our couches when we are all sitting watching t.v. together. She does not realize that she is a dog. In our eyes, she is one of children. We couldn't imagine not having her in our home. She was easy to house train and gets along so well with our other Lhasa Apso, Peanut who is 13-years-old. They are great friends and sleep next to each other. As you know, the journey to your home from ours was 10 hours round trip. We not only did the ride once, but twice in a two week period and we know that it was well worth it. You treat all the puppies as if they are your own children and I felt very comfortable talking with you on the telephone and having you ask me questions. This made me feel reassured that you truly care about these dogs and who takes them home. If, or should I say, when we are ready to bring another cute and loveable addition to our home again we will once again take the trip to New York state to get a puppy from you. Thank you again for caring so much for this wonderful breed of dogs. Nugget has brought us so much joy and love since we have brought her home. I can't believe she will be one-year-old in August. Our veteranarian told us that we "picked another good one" and that she could tell the breeder took good care of her.
Thank you again and we will keep in touch. SincerelyThe Z. Family
To Ms. Kim,
Our Lhasa is everything you said and more. He plays ball with the girls and yet still loves to snuggle with me. Our cat Jerry is his best friend. He faithfully lets us know when someone is at the door and relishes the pats on the head provided by my husband when he comes in from work. Thank you for our Stanley! He is the best. Nancy and family
Izzy update, he is doing well and is adjusting to our family. It is amazing to watch him interact with Barbera, he knows she is a special person and reacts to her in a special way.I included the pictures of Izzy and Barbara you wanted. He is the only dog who likes fruit for a snack i.e. watermelon and blueberries.
I am proud to announce our new puppy Chelsea made it home, in her new crate, with no crying or throwing up. She was a perfect lady for the entire 3 hours plus ride home. She never complained once!
Her first night was also stellar. After an initial tiny pee on the carpet, no problems to report. She had no accidents in her paper-lined crate all night. Zach took her out at 7am, and she performed both bodily functions, peeing AND pooping. The pooping part was a surprise, as she was too excited to eat any dinner last night.
She's a little nervous, and timid at first. Imagine going to an entirely new place, kinda like going to middle school!! Last night, she enjoyed sitting in my lap for the longest time, just hanging out. I wanted a lap dog, and we sure got one!! She had one encounter with a large dog in the park last night and wanted to chase him, as he walked away, totally disinterested. It was nice to see her shyness slowly melting away. This morning, she's starting to play more. She goes in and out of her crate, and seems to love the safe harbor of her crate. We have seen her licking a lot more today than yesterday, especially Zach's toes!
Today, we will make another trip to the pet store for more supplies. Maybe we'll give our new puppy car seat a try.
More pictures to follow! Kimberly, thank you for our new family member. We love her so much!!
Beth, Rob and Zach
Kim, I wanted to provide an update on Peppermint Patty. WE LOVE THIS DOG! I can't tell you how much this dog has come to mean to us in the short time she has been with us. She is fabulous!
After picking her up on that Saturday, we brought her home to meet our lab, Molly. Peppermint was very firm with Molly, but not aggressive at all. She quickly let our lab know that this was her new home and she was here to stay. It took about a week for the two to become best friends, and now you will find them playing with each other in the house or chasing one another on the lawn. After they have had enough, you will often find one napping near the other.
Peppermint is almost completely housebroken and is very well trained outside. She loves to explore the tall grass behind our house. Within the next couple of weeks we will begin to train her with the invisible fence. She does great on the leash, although she much prefers to be free to explore.
She has a very sweet temperament and loves to spend her evenings curled on Tom's lap. She still sleeps in her crate at night, but I have a feeling that before long, she will command her place in one of the kid's beds.
She travels with us whenever possible and does very well. We just returned from a soccer game and she is a bit tuckered because of all the exercise and attention.
I just wanted to say thank you for our new family member. It was almost like she adopted us and she has fit in very well.
I have actually directed several people to your web site because I am committed to seeing Cookie and Licorice find great families as well. Peppermint will visit Crescent Pet Lodge this week for a check-up and her spaying. I will forward a copy of the spay certificate once I have it. She is healthy, very active and much loved. She has such a great personality and she loves to play. I thank you again.
Hope all is well. Alicia